Lesson 074. Making a Reservation. Part 2.

Let’s continue to learn useful expressions and vocabulary we will need in order to reserve a restaurant in Mandarin Chinese. We will hear a second part of the dialogue from the previous lesson. Both this and previous lessons contain a situational dialogue based on a real recorded phone conversation. So you can hear real native speed of the Chinese language.

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One comment

  1. Serge says:

    Hi everybody!

    I would like to add some notes here to clarify some expressions that you hear in this lesson’s dialogue. It’s actually very good because you can also practice the whole thing from the very beginning, from greetings to asking for name and a phone number etc.

    So what I was going to explain here is related to asking for a name. Names in Mandarin Chinese often consist of some characters that not many people know, or at least not many people can immediately recognize by only hearing their sound. So they will often double check, ask you what characters are there in your name (assuming that you already have a Chinese name).

    So in order to clarify the characters people will say character xx is which xx?
    Just like in the dialog of this lesson: Qing3wen4, “shi4” shi4 na3ge “shi4”?(请问,”世”是哪个”世”?)

    Then your answer should be: It’s the “shi” from the word “shijie”-a world, etc. E.g. shi4 “shi4jie4” de “shi4″(是“世界”的“世”). So whenever you have a word of a character that you are not sure how to read, use this construction: “xx shi4 na3ge xx?”(xx是哪个xx?)

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