1. Tom says:

    Ni hao Serge,

    I’m really enjoying your lessons. Please keep them coming!

    In lesson 59, there is the expression “Yinwei women weilai yao banjia . . .” My taitai (from China) swears this is incorrect in that, according to her,
    weilai means in the distant future. She says you could say weilai in regard to telling a child some day (weilai) you will have kids. She thinks jianglai or yihou would be more appropriate.

    In lesson 54, there is the expression in regard to bainian, “you meiyou shenme tebie de shuofa ma?” Two Chinese people have told me that this is not the correct way to say this. It was suggested to use guiju or jiangju. I must say they both had a difficult time of explaining what shuofa meant. One gave me an example from a news story. An out of town man was beaten up by the Shanghai police. He complained to many different government ministries. Ultimately, the Shanghai police agreed to pay him some money. But this wasn’t enough and he went on one of these rampages we’ve been hearing about recently in China and said words to the effect if you don’t give shuofa, I will take shuofa.

    Please don’t take this as a criticism! I’ve tried looking these words up in the dictionary and can’t make heads nor tales of these issues and so thought I would ask.

    All the best,


  2. Nihao Thomas,

    Very good questions. But I have to disagree with your wife and your friends. Sorry.

    Let me give my explanation.

    1) Weilai vs. Jianglai. Weilai carries more uncertainty- ‘bu que4ding4 yin1su4’. Jiang1lai2- is more certain. In the situational dialog of lesson 59, I didn’t mention anywhere that ‘I will move into that room’ for sure. That is why I used ‘weilai’-uncertainty-maybe I will move into that room, maybe I will not. Maybe it’s too expensive, so I will find somewhere else, but thank you for offering your help’.

    Jianglai, of course, can also be used in place of weilai, if I’m more than 90% sure that I will move there. Actually, nowadays many people use jianglai and weilai in absolutely the same ways, based on their personal preference. Some prefer to always use weilai, some jianglai. Of course, except for some ‘fixed’ expressions. E.g. zai4 weilai 24 xiao3shi2 zhong1- in the future 24 hours. Here weilai is used and you can not use jiang1lai2, even though jianglai, as according to your wife, is pointing to the near future and weilai to the distant future. There are certainly some language habits that people have acquired, but in the broad sense, both words can be used equally, depending on your view of the world. Some people are less certain about things, so they use weilai more often, etc.

    To support this, please read, or read with your taitai, this passage that I found about weilai and jianglai. I have highlighted the sentences that are relevant to my explanation.

    原认为未来和将来的不同,主要在于时间距离的长短。比如常说:”走向未来”,指比较遥远的时间段,无法改成”走向将来”。换后者也可勉强成文,终不伦不类。也就是说,”将来 “似乎是比较贴近眼前的时间,”未来”的尺度则更宏大一些,有点像公里和海里的关系。察觉失误源于听天气预报。播音员常说:”在未来二十四小时内……”

    2)shuo1fa3. In your friend’s story, shuofa means’ explanation’: gei wo yige shuofa-give me an explanation. In lesson 54, shuofa means-shuo1hua4 de fang1shi4(or fang1fa3)-the way of saying smth. The key thing here is ‘bai4nian2 de shihou’. So when you ‘bainian’, are there any special ways ways of saying things?
    Because if you read the next sentence, dangran you-of course there are….. ni3 ke3yi3 shuo1…..ni3 ye3 ke3yi3 shuo1……. words guiju and jiangjiu will not fit into this context. However, in a different context, you can put them there. E.g. if you mean to say that people give ‘hongbao’-red envelopes to each other etc. Because guiju or jiangju are some sort of behaviour that people exhibit.

    Hope this was helpful!



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